I love to sleep in and drink lattes about as much as the next girl. I love the rain. I love wandering through Target for no good reason. I love staying up late mushing my brain on Netflix. I love the idea of reading, and whenever I take the time to do it, I finally feel like an adult. I love discussing the things of God. I love spending time with my favorite people (you know who you are), giggling over nothing and crying over everything. I love authenticity. I love vulnerability. I hate that I love being a little dramatic. So, welcome to my life, I hope you enjoy it!
This blog came from my experiences. I have always thought that there was nothing exceptionally special about me, and though that may be true in the context of the world, God has created each of us with a unique gift and purpose. There are a number of talented speakers and writers to follow. This blog isn't meant to become the next "big one!" It is a simple act of obedience. One in which I've drug my feet with all hesitancy. However, if just one person is touched; If just one life is changed; Then I will be honored to know that acting on this stirring within me was all worth it!
As a visitor here, you are part of reminding me why I take the time to write in the first place. We are all experiencing our own #moments that make up this thing called life. Please take the time to share how my #moments have impacted you!
Thank you so much for adding your life to my story. I hope I can be a part of yours too!
Much love,
If you have a #moment of your own, please share it with me and let me know if I have permission to add it to the website with your name. As I collect stories, I plan to create a "Your Moments" page.
I'd love for you to be a part!